It’s week eight in the Big Brother All-Stars season and a new chance for the housemates to shoot their shot at the coveted HOH title, seat, and power. But for Big Brother, a new week means a new twist and we got to see two new ones.
The first twist of the day came when Biggie announced that there would be only one phase of the HOH challenge as opposed to the usual two phases. The challenge had all 13 housemates grouped into three teams to roll snooker balls across a rail into coloured baskets. According to Biggie’s instructions, the players had to first build the rail with stacked tiles on the bar before rolling the balls into the baskets.
Also, each player had to ensure that all five balls rolled into their basket within five minutes and the player with the highest balls in the basket automatically became the new Head of House. Following five minutes of intense concentration and trials, Cross emerged as the winner with a total of four balls in his basket, while WhiteMoney and Angel came in second with a tie with two balls each. For BFFs, Pere, Adekunle, NeoEnergy and Whitemoney will be enjoying the HOH lounge alongside Cross in the new week.
Following the new twist pattern, Big Brother again shared with the housemates that there was only one black envelope and all the housemates except the new HOH had to scour everywhere except the HOH floor, Diary room, and the arena to search for a single envelope in contrast to the usual three envelopes. Sadly, none of the housemates found the black envelope.
For this week, Ilebaye, Neoenergy, Whitemoney, Adekunle, Sholzy, Alex, Mercy Eke, Cee-C are all up for possible evictions and at least one of the nominated housemates would be evicted during the live show on Sunday. Now, it’s left to the viewers and fans to ensure that their fave doesn’t end up on the eviction block.
Find below each housemate’s nominations:
Venita– Alex, Cee-C, and Mercy
Soma– Sholzy, Ilebaye, and WhiteMoney
NeoEnergy– Alex, Cee-C, and Mercy
Mercy Eke – Pere, Adekunle, and Neoenergy
WhiteMoney – Neoenergy, Soma, and Cee-C
Alex – Sholzy, Adekunle, and Venita
Pere – Alex, Soma, and Mercy
Ilebaye – Neoenergy, Cee-C, and WhiteMoney
Sholzy – Angel, Alex, and Adekunle
Angel – WhiteMoney, Sholzy, Ilebaye
Adekunle – Cee-C, Alex, and Mercy
Cee-C – Adekunle, Pere, and Ilebaye
Cross – Mercy, Cee-C, and Alex