Created by Nigerian animator Ridwan Moshood, Garbage Boy & Trash Can is set to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humour, creativity, and heartwarming messages. This groundbreaking series introduces us to young Tobi, a superhero without conventional superpowers, whose trusty sidekick is a quirky trash can. Together, they embark on a world of extraordinary escapades, unlike anything you’ve seen before. The first episode premiered on Monday, July 17 at 3:45 PM, on Cartoon Network (DStv Ch. 301) and continues to air daily on the channel.
At the heart of the series, Garbage Boy, while lacking traditional superpowers, possesses an unshakable belief in his own abilities, which serve as his greatest strength. While others see trash, Garbage Boy sees endless possibilities for fun and adventure. From crafting a sock-firing bazooka out of old PVC piping to constructing an electron microscope from broken VCR parts, Garbage Boy believes that everything, even garbage, has value. Alongside him is Trash Can, an alien robot exiled from his home planet, driven by duty. With an infinite intellect and a compact, gadget-filled metallic frame, Trash Can is a formidable ally.
Together, Garbage Boy and Trash Can face their primary adversaries: boredom and Dr Sore Eyes, a character seeking revenge after being rejected by the Academy of Really Real Sciences. Despite the challenges they face, Dr Sore Eyes often end up sabotaging himself.
Creator, Ridwan Moshood, found inspiration for the show in the adversity of his childhood. “The inspiration for creating the lead characters came from the derogatory name some bullies used to call me back in junior secondary school. However, I soon realized that this name did not define my identity or limit my potential,” he says.
The style of Garbage Boy and Trash Can is a homage to the cartoons Moshood watched during his childhood, mainly the Saturday morning shows like Dexter’s Laboratory, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, The Powerpuff Girls, and more.
Magic Carpet, a leading Nigerian animation studio, has co-produced the show, while talented actors from Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria, and the USA lend their voices to breathe life into the charming characters. This global collaboration stands as an innovative model in animation, empowering and mentoring African talent to create content that resonates worldwide.
Speaking on the new show, Executive Head of Content and Channels, West Africa, MultiChoice, Dr Busola Tejumola believes that ‘Garbage Boy & Trash Can’ will captivate audiences with its unique blend of humour, adventure, and empowering messages. She expresses her pride in featuring local African content on DStv, recognizing the importance of representation and inclusive storytelling. “Garbage Boy & Trash Can not only showcases the creativity of the African animation industry but, also, the potential in the industry” says Dr Tejumola.