After Church service on the Ist of January, I decided to wait till morning comes. I didnt want to sit with people who were drinking at Century Junction, so I was strolling and standing. Just seeing happy Moments and thinking deep to myself on the plans for the new year.
I removed my earphone, after I saw a flash of people run pass my front. All I heard was Ole Ole, as I turned my head the other way, I was met by a hit on my neck by iron rods. The next was a stone on my eye, at the moment the blood gushed on my shirt, It was apparent I was the one being targetted.
I kept asking what happened, shouting to stop being hit, begging to not be taken far from Century Junction, but this time, the mobb had increased and they were dragging me on the road, from Century to Avenue Junction and All I could see was flashy lights, the hits on my head had become so much. I felt blood covering my eyes and just kept begging to be taken to Century so the people that saw me there will verify.
Soomeone decided to start the beating back to Century,I could see tyres, being held, as they said they wanted to burn me. I stopped talking, my head was heavy, my body was cold, I could feel my spirit leave. So I held on to someone who I recognized from the area, tore his clothes while he was hitting me with iron rods,just for me to recognize him. I turned to another, spat a pile of blood gushing from my mouth on his clothes too, so I mark them.
As they dragged me on the ground to Century, the boys there ran to my aid,the people started saying they made a mistake, that who ever raised the alarm didnt see me and they were so sorry. That her phone was with her, the person wore black too, it was a mistaken identity and so many english. I was told to point anybody, just incase I didnt wake up, I pointed at the person I tore his clothes and the one I spat blood on. Then told them to have me lay where anybody that knows me can see my body.
I had given up at this time, was barely breathing and was extra cold. Could feel a bag of blood clots in my head and my eyes were closing ,I prayed my last prayer and kept putting my head the other way to return the blood. After some hours, I found myself Alive , struggling to breath and more water was poured on my body, people around were shocked because everyone was scared looking at my body on the ground lifeless. It’s been months but these scars cut me deep, and I’m still healing.