Former president of Nigeria, President Olusegun Obasanjo sits with founder of Joy, Inc. and host of the viral TV show #WithChude, Chude Jideonwo on a democracy day special. In this special episode, he speaks about Tinubu’s character, third term and why he insisted on Peter Obi’s candidacy for Nigeria.
On the allegations levelled against him by President Bola Tinubu, that he frustrated his attempt at revenue, and wanted to cripple Lagos State’s economy while he (Tinubu) was governor, he responded, “No, that is absolute nonsense. I go by the constitution of Nigeria, which also recognize local governments. For me to release funds, it has to be on the basis of 20 local governments. When you then add 27 or 37 local government to that, for me to act constitutionally, the constitution of NIgeria must change. Acting along 57 local government is not constitutional and if he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know anything. So, is that the reason why he had AlphaBeta?
On why he mentioned AlphaBeta Consulting in his letter, he said, “I don’t talk about private life except I think the character matters.” Reacting to if he thinks Tinubu’s character is questionable after been sworn in as president, and what he thinks will happen to Nigeria under Tinubu’s administration he refused to make a comment.
He also addressed vying for third term in office, allegations of being corrupt, and why he stood so firm behind the candidacy of Peter Obi, and the many letters he has written.
The full interview is currently up on
Watch the excerpt here: