Yesterday i was invited by my sister, Harvard Trained Developmental expert Bosede to join a panel to discuss Men as Allies to women in Politics
It was a beautiful studio and on the panel with me was a representative of Bloomberg and the youngest Commissioner in Ogun State at some point- pleasant man
The discussions were heated and sound. Bosede the moderator did her best to hold down the discussions and keep it from straying.
However it seemed that i was the only loner on the panel. Their position was clearly pro women. They felt that women have a raw deal with their ambitions beset by instituional bariers leaving a pitiable story for women in not only politics but in almost all spheres of endevour
What was lost to them, was that we were seated in a multi million Naira studio with women in full charge of the project
The moderator was a woman, producer woman indeed women called the shots almost from top to down.
This was totally lost on them. I reminded them and stated very clearly that i do not think that women are in any disadvantage and that what we were mistaking mostly for institutional bariers were natural barriers.
So simply women are usually bogged down by physical impediments, cultural barriers, outlook and approach and the like
Today women are claiming to be independent and free. They are financially empowered and have taken leadership in many sectors.
That they have not had a stronger showing in politics is strictly their fault cos power is not transfered on the table of emotions.
Men loose their lives, driven by inordinate ambitions and sweat blood to achieve power. That struggle is uncanny so if you now ask that man to ceede a portion to somebody on the platform of gender, you can as well guess his response
Women have achieved sexual freedom. They have broken those barriers and have told us simply that they are now very aware of their sexuality
The question here now is, these sexual freedom that they have attained, did anybody give them? No they worked and suffered for it. They burnt bra and went to Beijing to fight for it
Same most be done in Politics. Citing 49% of women in general population and only one female presidential candisate is childish.
Also talking about the 35% rule in gender based electoral positioning is also an excercise in futility simply cos if the women are not coming out, how do we fill the positions.
Politics is even harder for the man. He will struggle and risk everything. Politics is not for the light hearted and as as such we have to be very pragmatic on this issue
We have had women leaders who have shown sufficient seriousness and the system have embodied them.
Funmilayo Ransome Kuti broke all of those barriers when the system wasnt this open. Ever since i don’t think we have seen sufficient levels of seriousness from the women folk bar appointments to warrant a consistent loyalty from pro female men like me.
I think the women folk should put off the pity party and begin to work towards a serious approach towards political power.
Politics has never been an emotional laden journey.