In the Splash task at the ring of ultimate warriors, the remaining five contestants, Damola, Damilola, Odudu, Chidinma and Rachael were asked to balance a road below a bucket of water. The first person out of the task would go home while the last man or woman standing would win N100,000.
The task was about endurance and balance and it even proved more difficult because they had trekked for a long time that morning trying to find pieces of the map that would lead them to Akolo’s chest.
So when Toke Makinwa, the host of Gulder Ultimate Search, instructed them to balance with the pole and hold up the bucket of water, it seemed to be a decision between N100,000 and N50 million at least according to the perspective of Damola and Damilola.
Rachael was the first to be splashed with water signalling her automatic exit from the game. Then Damola was next but the manner in which the water splashed on him showed that he automatically let go of the rod. Damilola followed suit. The battle for the N100,000 went on for a while between Chidinma and Odudu. Ultimately, Odudu won after Chidinma could not keep up thereby winning N100,000.
Damola later revealed that he had a choice to make between staying on in the task for N100,000 or exiting it to focus on the bigger task ahead. Damilola in his post-task interview echoed a similar sentiment saying he wanted to be sure two people were off the task before giving up too.
Either a stroke of genius or luck, Both Damola and Damilola took first and second position respectively in the following day’s task. Damola was the first off the block and did not slow down till he was done. Damilola was also close behind solving the combination lock to come second. Odudu and Chidinma had to battle it out for the final slot which was narrowly won by Odudu while Chidinma was evicted.
It is yet to be seen whether Damilola or Damola’s tactic to deliberately lose out on the chance to win N100,000 will make either of them the winner of the ultimate prize of N50 million.