“Please do not allow yourself to be misled or fooled by the propaganda and disinformation being churned out by the BBC, CNN and all the other western media news agencies and outlets.
The truth of the matter is that unless NATO, the Europeans and the Americans pull back from their reckless and provocative course of baiting Russia and encroaching on her borders with their military forces and nuclear weapons, I have no doubt that Vladimer Putin will eventually order his forces to invade the Ukraine. And given the circumstances who cam blame him for doing so?
How would the Americans react if Russian forces and nuclear weapons or those of some other mortal foe, were close to their borders and if their two neighbouring countries of Canada and Mexico were prepared to allow their soil to be used as a launching pad against them?
I have no doubt that they would threaten to invade both countries without any hesitation in the name of defending the American people, removing the military threat and protecting the sovereignty of American territory and soil and they would be right to do so.
That is precisely what Putin is doing and he is right to do it. His primary duty as President of the federation is to protect the Russian people from external aggression.
Though not yet a member, the Ukrainians are in bed with NATO and that is the biggest mistake they could have made given the fact that they are sharing a long border with Russia.
Provoking the Russian bear into war on its borders is not a good idea. History proves that. No country has ever successfully invaded and conquered mother Russia. Both Hitler and Napolean tried but failed woefully.
The Russians are as hard as nails and I doubt that NATO would be ready to engage them in a full scale war. Their resilience as a people and as warriors is legendary.
If they choose to invade the Ukraine the latter will be the only casualties. No other nation will send military forces into their country to fight the Russians for them.
No other nation will put boots on the ground or commit to battle on their behalf because the ‘butchers bill’ and the cost in terms of blood and treasure would be far too high.
And most important of all no-one will be ready to risk what may end up degeneratimg into a full scale conventional and nuclear war over the Ukraine.
When they do invade the rest of the world may make noise and impose some temporary and meaningless sanctions against Russia but other than that they will do absolutely NOTHING.
At the end of the day, just as he did in the Crimea, Putin will win again and the Russian people will love him all the more for it.
We pray for peace but unless NATO, the Europeans and the Americans back down and stop their covert acts of aggression and provocation against the Russian Federation through their policy in the Ukraine there will be an invasion and millions of Ukrainians will suffer for it.
Someone please tell the Ukrainian President to GET SMART before it is too late”.