The highly anticipated Showmax Original reality TV series, The Real Housewives of Abuja finally premiered on the platform last Friday, and it was all shades of expected drama and more. The cast did not hold back in delivering the drama.
The first episode started with an introduction of all six ladies, Arafa, Comfort Booth, OJ Posharella, Princess Jecoco, Samantha Homossany and Tutupie. We got an insight into their lifestyle, family, businesses, and philanthropy and also heard some catchy taglines that might be our motto for 2023. Samantha might have also dropped a tip or two on how to join the Abuja elite circle.
In keeping with the Real Housewives tradition, Samantha had the honour of hosting the first party to get everyone together. Themed “Bond Girls”, we were excited alongside the other housewives to attend the first party of the season.
The first to get the mysterious invite was Tutupie who then invited Arafa as her plus-one. She in turn asked Comfort Booth to be her date to the party. Princess also got an invite, and she took her mum, Queen Mother Coco along, while OJ Posharella had the honour of being the party’s MC.
Trust the ladies to put their best fashion foot forward. While we expected the glam looks – duh! it’s the Real Housewives of Abuja, we were not prepared for the shade that flew across the dinner table, or the host keeping the guests waiting for 2 hours without food.
From shading in French to English, some of the ladies had things to say about Samantha’s party, and it all started with the party decor for Tutupie, Arafa and Comfort Booth.
The decor didn’t portray the Bond Girls theme as specified by the host, and these three women had something to say about it. To Arafa, the party decor looked “amazing for a three-year-old barbie girl birthday party.”
Moving on from the theme and party decor, another moment of subtle shade came when Samantha walked in – two hours after her guests arrived – looking gorgeous, and Tutupie in her diary session mentioned it wasn’t worth the wait.
Speaking of diary sessions, we would advise you to watch them and experience the spice yourself.
The real gbas gbos came when the host asked OJ Posharella to pray, and Princess Jecoco insisted that her mum be served before they did anything else. It then became a tug of war between the host and her guest, but at the end of the back and forth, the Queen Mother got her food before the prayer.
Princess might have won, but Samantha clearly plans to level the score.
The drama is brewing and it looks like there is more coming in subsequent episodes, and we are here for all of it.
Catch the second episode of the Real Housewives of Abuja exclusively on You can also join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #RHOAbuja.