If you are adept you will witness this beautiful phenomenon if as a man, u understand the complex volley of a womans sexuality, you will witness this rarity.
The beautiful face of a woman is a screen. It tells u a lot and guides you on how to engage with the many criss crossing emotions that flow through her brain
One of the things that continue to thrill me is the contortionist images of a beautiful face in orgasm
Getting a woman to that peak is no lean feat and only men like me who have attained category 5 in this matter can boast of close to an 80% strike rate.
When u have done your work, you pull back and watch the face contort in a serial twist of pleasure.
The eyes glint’ with crow feat puling out from the sides. The sweet and luccious lips slightly opening in a romantic and senusal form letting out a slow soft moan. Then u begin to see the pain of pleasure.
She coos your name. First slowly. Grabs your chest and squeezes the skin as she bends her head backwards throwing up her breast in a worship to ur dexterity
When the wave subsides, her face starts to loosen up, the eyes opening up slightly and in gratitude she locks with ur eyes and smiles sheepishly.
The pain of hurt s another thing that intrigues me. I used to deliberately hurt or lie so i can see the pain unfold in the face.
The eyes have it all. It shimmers down and turns red. Its exciting. The lips purse and stretch and the forehead becomes plain but the eyes hold the fire
The tears well up and she tries to control them but u can see from her beautiful eyes that she is loosing it. The face does not lose its allure but you just see the pain
I used to feel like reaching into her eyes and plucking out the pain. If she truly loves you, the pain is real. It can be measured and like a giod storm, it comes with massive rain. The tears cascade.
I dont try to go near. I stand a bit away and watch as the face evolves. It moves from gloom to loom . Its a very beautiful sight. I tell u.
If you think im lying, hurt your woman this morning and see this very exciting thing. I tell u.
The pain of pleasure and the pain of hurt on a very beautiful face are two things that continue to fascinate me especialy on a light skinned facially appealing structure
The pinkness adds to the allure. It slowly turns red and the cheeks flush and at that point she cant even hide it.
I secretly smile as i observe. Its hedonistic but whatelse am I.
NB pls dont try with female soldier o.