So my fada Charly Boy has cried out on social media. He screamed,’ my prick no dey stand again o’. That seams the cry of millions of Nigerian men from 45 years and above depending on how you have lived your life.
If you have abused alcohol or smoked in your youth, you would most likely be shouting this Anthem earlier. All of a sudden Instagram will be throwing your way all sort of – get hard erection remedies.
You would be told to drink watermelon, chew dates and munch tiger nuts. It will tell you to do some excercises and take herbs to make sure that you get harder and stay longer.
Now on the converse. Your coleagues, who are female are just getting into their sexual prime. Their independence bouyed by a new openness requiring a lot more energy on your part to fulfil
And here you are joining Area Fada choir and singing ‘ my prick is not standing again o’. Its so frustrating esp when you see dt you have the material capacity to engage but not the physical capacity to engage as well as you would have wanted to
You start to lose your sexual confidence and make secret calls to your doctor at night to ask what is going on Nothing is going on. Baring any health challenges, Life is just happening to you. So what do you do?. Simple. Dont kill yourself dont do more than you can. Understand your new body and recognise its boundaries
The days of massive erections are over. The days when you go for a massage and before the masseuse touches you your dick is singing the Biafran Anthem is over.
Just go with the flow. Surround yourself with females who will be patient and be confident enough to understand that this is a transition
My oga said, ‘ Edgar these days any babe or woman who cannot wait for 4 hours for my erection to come, can go to hell o
That is the attitude for the middle aged lothario cos pressure will kill the already flacid penis
Its so strange that at that age you have the confidence to go after the prime pussy who go about with shakara to the envy of their younger colleagues
You defeat them in the chase but where it matters the most- the bed, you fail. You begin to apologise and open your wallet to do the fucking.
Today the sex tea and aphrodisiac industry is a multi million one. Pple like Usman are smiling to the Bank as a result of the pandemic.
Viagra and other stimulants are making a stronger showing and the nudity that is our day to day life is not helping matters
So for the middle age lothario who wakes up suddenly with no erection, my advise is – dont panic. We plenty. There is power in numbers.
Dont listen to all those stories of conquests. Na lie, prick is not standing any more and we have come full circle from the teenage years when u pull your boys together and tell huge stories of conquest – I nack am she cry – to telling the same stories of – I nack person pikin, i nearly tear the thing.
The only thing in common to the two scenarios is the fact that nothing was nacked.
I thank Area Fada for bringing this out and whatelse do we expect from an iconic leader like him but to lead the army of men whose pricks have died.
My prick is not standing again- is a generational statement equal to the dying cry of the black man who said – I cant breathe.
NB – this and mny more storied will be festured in my Play – Our Duke Has Gone Mad Again this Dec.
Thank you