The hard fact is that today’s woman – 35 to 55 are not the women our mothers told us men 35 -55 to expect in a relationship or marriage as it were.
Our mothers told us to expect a help mate, a junior partner, a respected of status quo and someone who will look up to us for leadership and who will work with us in almost servitude as we strive to build the family within a societal structure that firmly puts the man in leadership position.
What we are seeing today is something else . The woman has empowered herself to the point that even she is in a state of confusion.
She has forced herself into a position of Co leadership and in some cases full leadership upturned the natural status quo and thereby destabilizing the natural order of things.
Today’s woman says she is an equal partner. She is a leader and must be given a right of place in the scheme of things. She wants to take her own decisions and be empowered.
She talks of years of ‘suppression’ whatever that means and will smirk if u as much as ask her to clear the table when u have finished eating.
In bed it’s worse. She wants to be given a say in happenings there. She has liberated herself to the point where she may no longer need a man to get sexual fulfillment
In pushing these, she forgets that she was not brought up to be like this and as such lacks the requisite skill set to play the role she has forcefully usurped
What you now see is a litany of broken homes broken relationships, a high level of divorce and a litany of frustrated women vulnerable to the same men who will now prey on them
When you struggle for equality in a marriage or a relationship and lose out, u get divorced and then start being a ” lay thing’ to randy men who will tell you what you want to hear and have thier way and move on.
Sadly, this situation has thrown up an army of docile men who out fear from the tyranny of the woman keeps quiet and does not not enforce his rights in the relationship
He stupidly goes around defending what is not the natural cause claiming modernity and the rest meanwhile at night he seeks the warm and lovely arms of a much younger woman who will give him the leadership rights he so craves for.
The simple reason why older men rush into the arms of much younger women is because the younger women are the closest to what their mothers told them women should be like.
Respectful, bow to the leadership of men, seek the support and protection of men, serve the man and make him feel he is the king.
Today we see a lot of confusion. You want to be equal but you will fight me if I don’t go pay your dowry so that your father can hand you over to me.
You want to be equal but you will stupidly kneel down and give me a drink at your traditional wedding and you will watch them place you on my knees and admonish you to respect and serve all of your life and you will smile sheepishly and say yes sir.
The moment you enter my house, you will become freedom fighter and turn into a monster.
Lets even agree to this their equality. Start paying groom price, start asking for men’s hands in marriage stop being selective lets go the haul hog. Start marrying two husband’s in a polyandry.
The fact that you now have economic independence does not mean you can run mad and start a coup in the home?
The richest woman in the world still cooks for her husband and still takes permission from him before she embarks on any project. So who the hell are you cos you have managed to buy one tokunbo car that we will not hear word again
The most annoying bit will now be the one that you are using sex as a weapon. You deny sex, you take control of it, dishing it out at your whim. And using it as bait, reward or punishment and you expect the man to continue to stay in that unnatural state.
He will go to the young girl who understands how to keep the man in his natural state of leadership. She will ask for money and show gratitude cos she knows it’s not her ‘right’.
Divorce rate is high and growing simply because of these in our relationships. For those not divorce you see broken relationships and who loses out my people
Who looses out if not the women. They wil parade themselves during the day as being proud of their new status after ‘kicking’ out their man but will come at night begging to be fucked and sending nudes to random men to beat loneliness.
Our women have to go back to the basics. They have to go back to learn how to be women again from our mothers
This is not what my mother told me I will find in our women. This is not what most of our men saw in their mothers when they were growing up.
This is utter madness but if you want to continue to be mad, let go there together. Let’s all be mad but stop the complaints cos u started it.
Na wa